Hello Everyone,
It has been a while since I posted. My mother had a mini stroke, she is almost back to normal now and we are so thankful to God! Then I have been sick too..I am sure the stress of my mother being sick played a part, but I too am almost well.
I am anxious to get back to my ribbonwork, ut in the meantime take a look at these boxes of beautiful vintage flowers! Couldn't you just dive in head first and roll around in them! LOL
this is from http://one-of-those-things.tumblr.com/post/12853795260
Querida amiga e irmã em Cristo.
ReplyDeleteFiquei muito feliz em saber que você esta melhor.
Continuo orando e pedindo ao Senhor por sua cura.
Querida te desejo saúde, alegria e que o Senhor Jesus continue te usando poderosamente como Serva de Deus e amiga.
Tenha uma semana abençoada.
Beijinho no coração.
I'm sorry to hear your news and I am glad that your mother is alright! I hope that you feel much better soon. Take care!
I hope your Mom mends quickly! and yes, I could just roll around in those flowers!! I have used up my flowers almost !! Love them!! Hugs
ReplyDeleteDearest Dana,
ReplyDeleteThat must have been quite a scare for you and certainly it did take its toll on you as well. When we don't head ourselves well enough, we pay a price for it. Good to hear you're too on the mend.
A big hug for you and best wishes for your Mom as well. Oh, those boxes are like a dream...
Querida amiga voltei! Para agradecer as palavras de carinho e amizade por mim.
ReplyDeleteVocê é muito importante para mim, pois temos o mesmo propósito que é alcançarmos o Céu. Sei que nesse momento você e a sua casa estão precisando muito da intervenção divina. Mas uma coisa nos deixa alegres porque o salmista disse: Fui moço agora sou velho nunca vi um justo desamparado nem a sua descendência a mendigar o pão. Amada a sua vitória esta próxima e a sua casa estará louvando a Deus. Tenha um abençoado dia repleto da presença de Deus.
Beijinho no coração.
I'm glad that you and your mother are getting better. Lovely flowers.
Hola amiga,siento la enfermedad de tu mamá y tu espero qur estes bien tambien,seguro que todo vuelve a la normalidad.
ReplyDeleteTus flores un lujazo,maravillosas,mis felicitaciones.Besitos
I could so dive into that flower box. I could think of so many projects to do with those! I hope your Mom is still doing better..and that you are too! Having someone close having health issues certainly can take its toll on you. Sending good wishes your way!
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear of your illness and your mums stroke take care of yourself and your mum God bless
ReplyDeleteI wish your mother's health. What beautiful flowers out of fabric! And these flowers can make your own? There are lessons? Here's how to make roses out of ribbon /10.0-ua.com/kuhnya/rukodelie/iskusstvennyie-tsvetyi/rozyi-iz-lent.html
ReplyDeleteWelcome Back.....did you ever say where these came from??